Annalong Women’s Institute – December 2017 news

Posted January 13, 2018 by Quoile in Local Areas

Annalong  WI Celebrated Christmas in Style on 7th December 2017 

Our Vice President Sylvia warmly welcomed all members to our December meeting which was our also our Annual Christmas dinner, held in a stunningly decorated Annalong Community Centre.

Sylvia pointed out the exits. Apologies were given from, Olive H, Iris, Hazel & Dorothy. 

A tribute was given to Eleanor Burden. A Thank you card was read from Olive G. 

We had a raffle of a hamper donated by committee members, made up by Edith and won by our newest member Anne. 

Grace was given and the ladies looking fabulous with their Christmas jumpers on tucked into a delicious Christmas meal, with music, chatter and lots of laughter. 

We played a few games new and traditional with lots of fun and even more laughter. 

The prettiest wrapped parcel prize was won by Charlotte, Evelyn & Anne Wright. 

Birthday girls were Lilly & Alice. 

Santa and his Elf arrived and gave everyone a present and a wee sit on his knee! 

We finished the evening with everyone joining in harmony singing Away in a manger. 






Meetings are held the 1st Thursday of each month in Annalong Community Centre, with new members being made most welcome.










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