Annalong Women’s Institute- 80th Anniversary – February 2017

Posted February 7, 2017 by Quoile in Local Areas

Edwina Marr Quoile Area Executive, Elizabeth Warden, Federation Chairman- N.I. Sylvia Newell President Of Annalong W. I.


President Sylvia Newell welcomed a good attendance of members to the February meeting. The theme of the meeting was “Memories Of Annalong W.I. over the past 80 years Members brought along a varied collection of memorabilia including scrap books, pictures and newspaper cuttings.   Designer gifts which had been made for the 50th & 70th Anniversaries were also on display. The President read a magazine article penned by the first President Mrs. Olive Windram after the formation of the Annalong W.I. in 1937.She also read  many interesting extracts from minute books over the period in which Annalong W.I. pioneered many useful community projects especially in the war years.  Competition—“Old Local Photo”   1st Mary Burns  2nd Barbara Purdy  3rd Adele Kearny

A delicious supper was served by Tea Hostesses Norma, Jean, Gillian & Yvonne Many received raffle prizes.  The Singing Of the Country Women’s Song brought a nostalgic meeting to a close








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