Posts Tagged ‘featured’

Arts Sub-Committee

Arts Sub-Committee handle an array of  creative competitions and one-day schools. Subjects include: music, drama, public speaking, painting, calligraphy, 3-D decoupage, parchment craft etc. A variety concert is also organised ...

Balmoral Sub-Committee

The WI’s input at the annual Balmoral Show is organised and handled by this Committee. They provide a social centre for members, their families and friends to meet at the WI Rooms within the Balmoral Park Showgrounds, Lisburn.

Homecraft Sub-Committee | Home & Garden Sub-Committee

Members of the Homecraft Sub-Committee actively  promote craft through one day schools and craft fairs/ craft weekends. Their aim is to encourage interest in traditional and modern handcraft. The Home &  Garden Sub-Commit...

International Sub-Committee

Responsible for keeping members up-to-date with the work of our ‘umbrella’ organisation – Associated County Women of the World. Members contribute to various projects which have been carefully vetted and selected by t...

Magazine & Leisure Sub-Committee

The Magazine & Leisure Sub-Committee handle the production of the Ulster Countrywoman, the WI’s in-house magazine. The Committee also organises several competitions: scrapbook – which encourages each Institute to pr...