Guidence for Submitting Content
Magazine Issue | *DEADLINE* for submitting content to the Editor | Date of magazine delivery/collection from WI HQ |
1. September 2024 edition ✓ | (before) Friday, 26th JULY 2024 ☑done | Approx. 29th August (For Aug Executive Day) ✓ |
2. Autumn 2024 edition ✓ | (before) Monday, 30th SEPTEMBER 2024 ☑done | Approx. 30th October (for Oct Executive Day) ✓ |
3. Christmas 2024 edition ✓ | (before) Monday, 1st NOVEMBER 2024 ☑done | Approx. 29th November onwards ✓ |
4. New Year 2025 edition | (before) Friday, 3rd JANUARY 2025 | Approx. 29th January (for Jan Executive Day) |
5. Spring 2025 edition | (before) Monday, 24th FEBRUARY 2025 | Approx. 26th March onwards (for AGM) |
6. Summer 2025 edition | (before) Monday, 28th APRIL 2025 | Approx. 28th May (for May Executive Day) |
The Ulster Countrywoman is an eclectic, colourful visual showcase of our organisation, which allows its readers to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of WI. However, we can’t put the magazine together without the input of you, our magnificent members!
Each edition is made up of contributions from WI members across the province and we need your most polished creative content to continue to make a bright, bold and beautiful publication. Please keep sending in your fabulous photographs, articles and anecdotes, as well as any new ideas, to the Editor. To help you along the way, we have set out some gentle guidelines for members preparing articles for print…
Institute News reports are now running with the rota system, a fair way to ensure each Institute has a short piece of news published in the magazine throughout the season. This allows us to still share the traditional short, sharp ‘Snippets of WI Life’, while also leaving enough space within the remainder of the magazine for photographs, features, Federation events, long-running articles, advertisements and other seasonal/topical items.
If you are submitting an Institute News report, please follow the final format of the condensed, edited versions that appear in print. News reports only need to give a very brief synopsis of your meeting and should not be hundreds of words in length. Please adhere to the word limit – approx. 70 words per monthly meeting roundup – give or take! (Maximum 140 words for 2 meetings/multiple meetings – or thereabouts!)
Please submit news for the most recent couple of months, or if compiling a brief overview of your Institute’s activities so far this season, please stick to the upper word limit (140) and keep it concise.
Institute News reports should be typed up, either in a Word document or within the main body of an email message. Please do not submit scanned images of text or photographs of handwritten documents. Please do not type copy in all capital letters. Take care to double check factual information, such as the spelling of names, titles and venues. Institute News reports do not include photographs or imagery.
You can submit photographs of your Institute activities, as well as articles, anecdotes and any other creative content to be considered for the main ‘Features’ section of all issues of the magazine, as well as for the WI’s online platforms, at any time! The rota of letters below only refers to the traditional 70-word Institute News reports which are published towards the back of each issue.
For the incoming WI season, concise 70-word Institute News reports should be submitted according to the rota below.
Magazine Issue | Institute News by Initial | *DEADLINE |
1. September 2024 edition ✓ | E F G J P & U ✓ | (before) Friday, 26th JULY 2024 ☑done |
2. Autumn 2024 edition ✓ | B & I ✓ | (before) Monday, 30th SEPTEMBER 2024 ☑done |
3. Christmas 2024 edition ✓ | C R & S ✓ | (before) Monday, 1st NOVEMBER 2024 ☑done |
4. New Year 2025 edition | A & D | (before) Friday, 3rd JANUARY 2025 |
5. Spring 2025 edition | M T V & W | (before) Monday, 24th FEBRUARY 2025 |
6. Summer 2025 edition | K L N & H | (before) Monday, 28th APRIL 2025 |
The ‘Features’ form the main body of each magazine, with photographs and imaginative articles depicting all sorts of fun and frolics – all the great things our groups get up to when members get together! Features can be submitted at any time and do not follow a rota. The most active and interesting articles are selected for publication in each edition by the Editor. Our magazine is circulated amongst family, friends and further afield and we must showcase the most complimentary content to the wider public.
When submitting photographs to the Editor for consideration, please choose a select few of the very best, sharp, flattering photos of your group/members, maximum 2-4 photos per Institute, and include a short paragraph or caption to put each of your images in context. Instead of including many separate images of individual members (for example at an awards presentation), please gather your group together for 1 or 2 photos – and please always remember to ‘look at the birdie’, strike a pose and SMILE!
It is not necessary to attach a large number of photographs of one event, or send a link to a huge photo database – please be selective. Photographs should be emailed as individual attachments, in jpeg format. Please do not submit photo montages created with editing software or add any artwork to your images. Photographs may be cropped where appropriate. Also, please do not place photographs within Word documents. It helps the Editor if a small selection is attached as separate jpegs within the same email, along with a short blurb typed into the main body of that email, or text typed out and attached in a Word document (please do not send scans or photographs of text). There is no strict word count for the Features section, however, for general Institute articles approx. 100–200 words are sufficient. Other seasonal articles or summaries of Federation events may be a few hundred words. Depending on the volume of content received for each particular issue, a greater word count may be permitted for other topical features of interest at the Editor’s discretion.
Hundreds of emails and photographs are received each month, so please collate your information and send all together in one message with a clearly labelled subject line. An array of the most diverse, action-packed features and photos are selected for each magazine, in order to depict a variety of activities and the very best of what WI has to offer.
The main Features section of each issue also includes reports of Federation events throughout the WI calendar, topical/seasonal items, regular/long-running articles and advertising for WI competitions/events, as well as outside businesses who pay a fee to place an ad. Space is allocated for each of these elements, meaning WI articles are fitted in around these items. We are limited with space in each issue (usually approx. 44 pages) so a variety of the very best WI articles by members are chosen for publication. With 128 Institutes and 21 WI Areas, there is a lot of ground to cover, so please do not be offended if your submission does not make the cut for a particular issue.
No suitable items are deleted, in fact everything is collated and saved on file for consideration for the next consecutive issue. The Editor is very grateful to receive such a vast array of content from the members – and please keep it coming! Articles and photographs submitted for the main ‘Features’ section that don’t make one magazine are catalogued to be considered for publication in the next consecutive issue, or a future issue. The most creative content will also appear sporadically on WI’s online outlets of social media.
Please do read your magazine and look at each issue for inspiration when submitting features, look at the type of articles and imagery that are published. You can also check out the WI’s official Facebook and Instagram pages, which show the most interesting snapshots of WI life.
Space is also allocated in the main ‘Features’ section of each magazine for original stories and poetry written by WI members, as these are judged annually for Federation Trophies, such as the Dorman Trophy (for best original article) and the Mourne Cup (for best poem)! These can be serious or light-hearted, fact or fiction, it doesn’t matter – simply let your imagination take flight and write from the heart! It is wonderful to be able to promote the creativity and talents of our members through this medium, so if you have an original piece of poetry or prose, or simply a fun piece of fiction or true-life tale that you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to email it directly to the Editor. Imagery optional.
While the magazine is a promotional tool for the WI, featuring news, articles, events and competitions, there is also room for a little bit of light-hearted loveliness! As production gets underway and the magazine takes shape, there will be some spaces left for random little ‘fillers’ – small, miscellaneous anecdotes that can fill a spot on page! This might include jokes, words of wisdom, poignant quotations, historical items of interest, inspirational artwork, puzzles, pictures – or anything weird, wacky and wonderful that might raise a smile and spread some positivity!
We also welcome any handy hints, tips or tricks that you’d like to share with your fellow readers, for example: cleaning, craft, clothing, hobbies, health, ‘hacks’ – anything topical of the moment, the choice is yours!
High resolution digital images should be submitted via email to the Editor. The printer cannot work with low resolution hard copies of photographs. Please select the most sharp, clear and flattering photos of your members. If photographs have to be scanned in before emailing (i.e. vintage wedding anniversary photos) please ensure these are cropped and clear.
For each issue, a member’s photograph is selected to feature on the magazine’s front cover. Cover images must be in ‘portrait’ layout and of high resolution/sharp quality – at least 300 DPI. Once again, digital images via email please. Please think about how the ‘Ulster Countrywoman’ heading at the top of the front page will fit within your image without obscuring the subject matter. Cover photographs should be seasonal and striking – something eye-catching that will grab attention and make you want to pick up our magazine! Please look back through the archives of our previous covers for inspiration.
*And remember: Cover photographs are judged annually for the Quoile Trophy, awarded at the AGM for ‘The best photograph (captured by a WI member) to grace the cover page of the Ulster Countrywoman during the calendar year’ – so please don’t be shy and send in your snaps to be in with a chance of winning!
When submitting digital images of your members to be considered for publication in the magazine, please be aware that these images may also be considered for publication on our online platforms, including the new WINI website (currently under construction), the WI Facebook page and Instagram.
The best photographs are selected to depict the variety of activities happening in WI and generally show our members having fun. These photographs are an instant means of promoting our organisation to a wider audience in the public domain, as well as globally online.
If you have a concern regarding privacy or copyright and would prefer that your images are reserved solely for publication within the magazine and not posted online, please state this when submitting items to the Editor.
The Editor works around a month or more in advance of the release of each issue. Content is curated throughout the month, with the deadline usually falling at the very beginning of the month, for delivery landing in time for Executive Day at the very end. The deadline is the final cut-off date, to allow enough time for the editing, designing, proofreading, production, print, packing and delivery of the magazine. Please always aim to submit items well in advance of the deadline date where possible – as the sooner content is received, the better! Items do not need to be stored up until each deadline, please help the Editor by submitting articles on time. With Institutes meeting on various days throughout each month, some may miss a deadline, but do not fear – all suitable content is carried over to be considered for the next consecutive issue. As always, the most striking content can also be shared on our online platforms. Upcoming magazine deadlines for the new WI season, September 2024 – Summer 2025, are published (above) here on our website, with reminders posted on the WI Facebook page, as well as in each edition of the magazine. Please make yourself familiar with these dates.
Please drop an email to:
Or telephone WI HQ on: (028) 90 301 506
The Women’s Institute is the largest non-political and non-sectarian organisation for women in Northern Ireland.
WI members are everyday women of all ages and backgrounds involved in extraordinary activities from local campaigns to national issues. The WI gives women like you an opportunity to change the world around you.
The Federation of Women’s Institutes of
Northern Ireland
209-211 Upper Lisburn Road
BT10 0LL
+44 (0) 28 9030 1506
+44 (0) 28 9060 1781