Local Areas

🎈Celebrating Milestone Institute Anniversaries!

The Federation of Women’s Institutes of Northern Ireland is celebrating 90 years in 2022!  Here, we share some of the Institutes that have also reached a special milestone mark!  Some Institutes were unable to celebrate...

Ladies Who Lunch

In keeping with Covid restrictions, some of our Institutes have sought alternative ways and times to meet, seizing the opportunity to get together for lunches, brunches and dinner dates!         Cullybackey ...

WI 2022 – Celebrating 90 Years – Looking to the Future, Inspired by WI Ladies of the Past

The Federation of the Women’s Institutes of Northern Ireland will celebrate 90 years of WI in Northern Ireland later in this year. The story of the Women’s Institute began at Stoney Creek, Ontario in Canada back in February...

WI Life – Institute News Reports (*New Year 2022)

  “The New Year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” (Melody Beattie)   Snippets of WI Life!   Now that some form of normality has returned and Institutes are holding official, face-to-face...

Homecraft Weekend 2022 – ***CANCELLED! X

Hi ladies, some disappointing news… Unfortunately, the Homecraft Sub-Committee has had to take the difficult decision to CANCEL the Homecraft Weekend, which had been planned for 1st-3rd April 2022. This was a tough call to ma...

🌳🌱Plant a Tree for our Future – *ORDER UPDATE❗️📌

  …Below is a message from the Home and Garden Sub-Committee. (We will share any further developments online – and via your Executive Member – when we find out more. Thank you for your patience!) 🌳Kee...

🔔📍ARTS INFO: Coffee Morning *Cancelled* – BUT Arts Festival Competition entries (paintings, etc.) WILL still be judged!

The message below is from Arts Sub-Committee Chairman Lesley Dowds. ((Unfortunately the Arts Coffee Morning {planned for 11th Feb} has had to be cancelled HOWEVER – entries for the ‘Beauty of Nature’ Painting,...

🌳Plant a Tree for our Future – *UPDATE: Delivery of saplings to WI HQ

A message from Federation Treasurer Sheelagh McRandal (Home and Garden Sub-Committee) regarding the delivery of the saplings from the Woodland Trust NI… (At least we will have them to celebrate our 90th anniversary next y...

* * Follow WI on Social Media! * *

* * For the latest WI updates – find us on Facebook & give our page a like! * * https://www.facebook.com/womensinstitutesni * * You can also follow us on Instagram for snapshots of WI life! * * https://www.instagram.c...

WI Members Celebrate Christmas!

It’s great that our groups are able to get together again, especially for the festive season… Annalong WI The Annalong ladies were invited to decorate a Christmas tree to be displayed in Annalong village as part of ...