Ranfurly Area

WI AGM Stormont Hotel Belfast

We are proud of the Ranfurly members who received awards at AGM

Coffee Morning

Pomeroy WI President,Beth Irwin helped by the committee hosted a very successful coffee Morning in her home on 24th February Proceeds are going to ‘Guide Dogs for the Blind’

Pomeroy WI February Meeting

Guest speaker was Dr. Sandra Weir who gave a very interesting and informative presentation on her trip to the Pennsylvania Amish trip. She displayed some of her beautiful quilts she has made with some of the material she purcha...

President Beth welcomed all to January meeting on a wintry night and was delighted to see a good turnout. The meeting took the form of a members night. Sympathy was past to the family of Mrs McGahan no passed away over Christma...

Pomeroy WI held their annual Christmas dinner in Pomeroy Presbyterian Hall A delicious meal was prepared and served by the committee Entertainment was provided by Desertcreat Scottish Dancers Santa Claus made a surprise visit a...

Pomeroy WI

At October meeting the speaker was Reflexologist Pamela Hamilton who demonstrated her reflexology skills on volunteer Olive Reid The competition was a cushion 1st Ruth Barnes 2nd Margaret Smyth 3rd Alison Gilkinson In October F...

Pomeroy WI

At October meeting of Pomeroy WI the speaker was David Neil from Denny’s Foods. Every member at the meeting received a ‘Goody Bag’ packed with delicious Denny food The competition was a Limerick 1st Line There...

City of Belfast Autumn Flower Show

The theme for WI this year was ‘Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness’ Pomeroy WI entered a table and we were delighted to be placed 3rd overall. photo attached

First night back for Pomeroy WI

President Beth Irwin welcomed everyone back after summer break. Speaker for meeting was Emily Martin who did 3 beautiful floral arrangements.