Local Areas

Rowallane – Spring Area Meeting

The Rowallane Area Meeting was held on 26th April 2022 in Knockbreda Parish Church hall at 7:30PM.  The 55 members who attended admired the flower arrangements by Carryduff WI and were met by the efficient stewards from Moneyr...

Quoile – Spring Area Meeting

The Spring meeting took place on Thursday 28th April 2022, hosted by the Spa WI in the Arnold Hall.  The Chairperson was Pamela Shanks (President of KillinchyWI), Secretary Judith Wainwright (Secretary of SeafordeWI) and Feder...

Knockagh – Spring Area Meeting

Excited after a break of two years, members of the Women’s Institute met in Templepatrick Presbyterian Church Hall for the Knockagh Area Spring Meeting. The speaker was Joanne McConville, a County Antrim woman who fell 6,500 ...

Iveagh – Spring Area Meeting

 The Iveagh Area of the Women’s Institute held the annual Spring Meeting in Loughbrickland Presbyterian Church hall on Friday 29th April. There were 72 members in attendance, with all Institutes in the Iveagh Area repre...

Ards Peninsula – Spring Area Meeting

*Photograph courtesy of The Newtownards Chronicle. The Spring Area Meeting was held in Portaferry on Wednesday 27th April in the Church of Ireland hall. As there has not been an Area Meeting since April 2019 due to the pandemic...

🌳Plant a Tree for our Future – Eglinton WI

Planting Progress… Our WI groups are still planting! Well done to our Eglinton WI ladies, who are pictured here planting one of their saplings in the grounds of the Church of Ireland in Eglinton. The first photo shows Lon...

WI Life – Institute News Reports (*May 2022)

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” (Amy Poehler) Snippets of WI Life!   Now that some form of normality has returned and Institutes are hold...

🌳Plant a Tree for our Future – Richhill WI

 🌱Planting Progress… What a great shot of our Richhill WI ladies, all kitted out to promote their tree planting project in Gosford Forest Park! Richhill President Edith McAdams told us, “We would like to th...

🌳Plant a Tree for our Future – Quoile Area WIs

 🌱Planting Progess… Members of Institutes in the Quoile Area were permitted by the Newry, Mourne and Down District Council to plant 250 trees in Dunleath Park, Downpatrick. Three local schools also took part in t...

Derriaghy WI Hosts Special Afternoon Tea Event Thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund!

Derriaghy WI welcomed visitors from Ballydownfine, Finaghy, Dunmurry and Killultagh to their April meeting. The speaker was Lisa Duggan from Northern Ireland Screen Digital Film Archive. Lisa began by showing what is believed t...