Archive for June 13th, 2014

Golf Competition 2014

On Monday 2nd June, twenty-nine enthusiastic golfers set off for the beautiful surroundings of Aughnacloy Golf Club.  They travelled from all over the province and nineteen Institutes were represented. The weather looked sligh...


Ladies from Ards and Scrabo Area are looking forward to  getting together for a BLINGO/CEILLIDH NIGHT ON THURSDAY 23rd OCTOBER 2014 at 7.30 p.m. in BALLYBLACK PRESBYTERIAN HALL. Evening includes bingo, joining in the Ceilladh ...

Dundonald escapades(2)

Busy ladies at Dundonald W.I. have been enjoying their annual get together with Dundonald (Scotland), Hospitality at Ballyblack W.I. and an evening of their own with Clive Scoular in the village. Rumour has it they were hand cl...