Killinchy Women’s Institute – September A.G.M. 2019

Posted September 5, 2019 by Quoile in News

Opening Remarks & Health & Safety: – Our President Mrs Pamela Shanks welcomed members and Executive member Mrs Edwina Marr and reminded members of the fire procedure.

Apologies: Pam Wells, Gail Taggart, Elizabeth Thomson, Hilary Watson.

Pamela introduced our Executive member, Edwina Marr who conducted the voting of our new committee, Tellers where not needed as our voting list had only seven members.

New committee for 2019/20 as follows; Andrea Barkley, Jennifer Foreman, Maureen Marsh, Pamela Shanks, Gail Taggart, Lynne Weir, Pam Wells. Pamela Shanks was re-elected as President and was presented with the chain of office by Edwina.

Shirley read the minutes of A.G.M. 2018 and Secretary’s Annual Report, Adoption of Report, Pamela Shanks, Seconded by Jackie Bennett.

The Financial Statement and Proposal by Maureen Marsh, Adoption Seconded by Pamela Shanks.

Edwina Marr updated us on Financial Rules.

Members enjoyed a Quiz, questions read by Maureen Marsh, winners, Pamela Shanks and Lynne Weir.

Members enjoyed a lovely supper provided and served by committee after which the competition winners were announced as follows;

The Member with the most points in 2018/19, for the Rose Bowl, joint winners, Pam Wells, Pamela Shanks.

The 2nd price of The New Zealand Bowl, Lynne Weir.

The Winner of the Homecraft Plaque, Pamela Shanks.

Birthday girls for September, Violet Marks, Elizabeth Thomson.

Pamela thanked Edwina for conducting our meeting and the outgoing committee for their help over the year and requested members to bring a friend to our next meeting on 1st October.







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