Killinchy Women’s Institute – September 2018 news

Posted September 8, 2018 by Quoile in Local Areas

Lynne introduced the Chairperson, Mrs Edwina Marr and as we had only 9 members on the voting list this year, no Tellers where needed.

Edwina read out the names as follows, Jackie Bennett, Margaret Gibson, Eileen Rooney, Shirley Shanks, Margaret Brundle, Belle Hanna, Maureen Marsh, Pamela Shanks, and Gail Taggart.

Belle Hanna declined, Lynne Weir was co-opted.

After voting, our new President, Pamela Shanks was elected.

The minutes of the A.G. M. for 2017 were read by the Secretary, Shirley Shanks, followed by The Secretaries Report.

Adoption of report was by Lynne Weir, seconded by Helen Warden, this was followed by the Financial Statement, Proposed and read by Andrea Barkley, seconded by Jennifer Foreman.

The Financial Rules were read by Edwina Marr who also informed members of the new Data Protection Act, a New Handbook coming soon, changes to how A.C.W.W. project Funds are handled, also to consider twinning W.I. Norfolk.

Members were also asked to donate old bras and send to Marlene Walsh, chair of Balmoral.

After a delicious supper provided by committee, members enjoyed several quizzes supplied by Helen Warden.

Announcements were made of the following,

  • Harvest Lunch at Spa
  • Autumn Flower Show, Botanic Gardens.
  • Home & Garden Christmas Event, Plaza Hotel, Shaw’s Bridge
  • Federation Fees up by £3.00, members to pay £25.00 in October, this will cover tea and biscuits for the year.
  • Joy of Giving , to be continued this year

Birthday girls for September, Violet Marks and Elizabeth Thomson who was   90 this month and who unfortunately could not attend because of illness,

A presentation of a cake and flowers will be taken to her by Lynne Weir and Pamela Shanks.


Marti Sloan became 80 this summer and was presented with a plant by President Lynne Weir who became 60 this year!

Competition Winner (most points in 2017/2018)

1st, for the Rose Bowl, Margaret Brundle & Lynne Weir

2nd, for the New Zealand Bowl, Eileen Rooney & Eileen Reid

Winner for “A Homecraft was, Lynne Weir who was presented with “

The Joan Shanks Craft Plaque”

Lynne handed over the chain of office to Pamela Shanks before the meeting was brought to a close with the singing of The Country Women’s Song.

Quoile Executive member, Edwina Marr with new President Pamela Shanks and outgoing President Lynne Weir



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